Gellyball Indoor or Outdoor

Depending on where you are, the weather can sometimes be an obstacle that is difficult to overcome.  For example, if you are running a mobile Nerf or laser tag business and a big storm is coming over the weekend, you could lose all the income you expected.

In addition to sudden storms and thunderstorms, extreme temperatures can also hinder your activities for groups, family outings and children.
In 2018, a survey was conducted that found that more than 28% of the weekend days available for outdoor activities were related to weather conditions that lost the company’s revenue. (survey conducted in USA)

A covered location such as a shed, wharehouse, hall or vacant shop will keep the party going, meaning your earnings can take place regardless of the weather.

If there is a forest, a park in the area or houses with large gardens, mobile companies can respond to those customers.  But many just don’t have the space or desire to have a bunch of kids running around their yard.  Those customers are looking for a location for their Gellyball event in their area.

An Indoor location also lends itself to organizing games with special lighting, props and fog machines, giving the customer a more intense experience. Even now with our ‘Glow in the dark – Gellyballs’.

The ability to create a special atmosphere Indoor that can be experienced 24/7, 365 days a year can deliver more consistent revenues than mobile companies.

Outdoor locations can then usually organize much larger games on different fields, which in turn results in higher income.

Indoor or Outdoor?  You can add alternative income to your business.

Depending on the size of your location, it is possible to add recurring income.  This can be passive, such as videogames, which you can rent and receive a percentage of the profits, or you can buy your own equipment.  You can also generate extra income with “vending machines” in lease without making your own investments, you just need to provide a space for it.

Some locations also have the option and extra space to add other attractions such as Ax Throwing or a separate room for Nerf Games, etc.

Whether it’s with your own kitchen or an arrangement with a local pizzeria or hamburgerplace, you may also be able to offer food and charge a percentage of the profit there.

Higher costs

Depending on your location and the size of the space, the rent can amount to several thousand euros per month.  Fortunately, finishing a location can be relatively cheap.  You can make or get props, such as barrels, spools of wire, stacks of tires, or just about any other item you can find, and decorate your indoor or outdoor venue on a budget.